Monthly Archives: May 2017

Lessons from the Tomes

Oh the books how they flutter! It’s not entirely clear who did this to them, but someone has enticed the books to roam about the realm free. As birds perhaps.  The magical tomes have found their way into every territory, Stormstead, the waters of the Kuvari’s Deep, the clearing of the Moei Asing and the pits of Ebon Reach.  They are at times peaceful.  Other times violent. And every feeling in between.  Frightened, confused, all knowing and reasonable. They’ve encountered the diversity of denizens in this jungle realm. And their message seems most enticing.  They are free and they intend to remain this way, since they no longer have a keeper.

34578388681_f9762030b2_mWhat could have freed the tomes? At this point it’s mere speculation, but one thing is well known, anyone who looked into the shop could see a potent reminder of the culprit. A book taken down to ash.  Who would have motivation to destroy a magical tome? Certainly no one in the village proper would take such desperate measures to disturb the proper placement of the books.  Perhaps the Kuvari or the Moei Asing? Though it is doubtful.  They are all too weak to take such action.

And why destroy a mere magical book?  As an example perhaps. Freedom is false.  For clearly, all the books are returning to their shop. Their slavery.  Their tomb. It’s a good reminder for the denizens of the jungle. Their situation is tenuous.  They may appear free, but in reality, they too are subject to a keeper. And more often than not, slaves to their own weaknesses.

~ a concerned citizen of the jungle realm

((ooc submitted by eiirwen / photo credit eyeless viper))


Categories: Breaking News, Editorials & Opinions, Events, Stormstead Faction | Leave a comment

Eyr’s Entertainers Sponsor an afternoon of Hedonism!

Eyr’s Entertaining Troupe is sponsoring a “Hedonistic Happy Hour” on the Sandy Beach!  Hedonistic Happy Hour

Times have been good.   Game is plentiful and the suckling boar especially tasty.  Fruits and nuts are in season.  Mangos, passionfruit, coconuts, durien, sugar apples and nuts are scattered throughout the jungle.   The pirates are dead (again) and it is a time of fatness and plenty.

As such, Eyr’s Entertainers are hosting a Hedonistic Happy Hour on the Sandy Beach.  There will be music, dancing along with food and drink that even Aradian aristocracy would envy!  

It is time to dress up in your finest to join us for an afternoon of laughter, fun and dancing on the beach at 2 hours past the noonday sun on Saturday. 

~ Blanche Fralto, Stormstead Quartermaster

Submitted OOCly by Blanche Fralto
Event Info:  “Mother of all Revenge”

Categories: Announcements, Entertainers, Events, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

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